
SmidgetBC: Aye sea wat yoo did-der andd ayee liikess eet-aye dood

Part of the video appears to be “missing” know, the part wherein all the students pounced upon that sub-human so-called officer and pummeled him into submission and finality (death) and each of them were proudly wearing his slime, whereupon the instructor went back to teaching and the kids calmly returned each

I agree with you 100 percent, and I am damn proud to say that I don't do any of those items either!

Archibald_Perkins: You may have hit the mother-lode of truth, and your statement, "I imagine their newsrooms to be as white as a Mormon temple" is absolutely brilliant! Thank you for that analogy.

I do enjoy my "imbiberrying", just NOT at Starbucks! I do not like this idea (at all), and I also do not like green eggs with my ham.

Totally logical; and even more reason to Unlock The Damn Thing Apple!
Zoinks, what fools they (Apple Corporate) are...what absolute fools!
Can they not see the stupidity of this (their) decision?

You make a very interesting and most logical point (thank you!) why not have the dorky Apple folks simply unlock the damn thing and return it graciously to the family...I am having great difficulty with the reasoning by Apple (Corporate)...seriously, WTF (?).

After this much effort: "We've provided the death certificate, will and solicitor's letter but it wasn't enough. They've now asked for a court order to prove that mum was the owner of the iPad and the iTunes account."