Yeah, you gotta keep a name like that in the family.
Yeah, you gotta keep a name like that in the family.
And, finally, when there’s nothing left, when you can’t borrow another idea from the Original Trilogy or buy another case of blue milk, you bust the joint out. You light a match.
Do you think you like a thing? Sam is here to tell you why it’s actually failing and you’re bad for liking it!
I got this reference!
Don’t forget Count Floyd!
This JJ’s slander will not stand
Live look at Faze:
One each.
Then it is staying true to the book. Which to me read like an attempt to mimic a 70's bar to stadium band. Skim milk.
And you may ask yourself, why is this suit so large
I was just wondering about this. It will be great to have this in 4k.
This, Last Waltz and Live at Pompeii for my top 3.
“I got you fam.” - NRA
100%. Could have made a great single 3-hour Hobbit movie that followed the book, as evidenced by Riddles in the Dark, which was as good as anything in LOTR. Instead, ego and hubris took over, and they even managed to fuck up Smaug. I didn’t even bother watching the third one.
Sad that I can only star this post once instead of the dozens it deserves.
You forgot one: Russell Crowe. Won for Gladiator, should have won for The Insider.