I’m a simple man, I see Pierce-era Community and I click the star.
I’m a simple man, I see Pierce-era Community and I click the star.
As a Patriotic Conservative, I took it as my duty to get all the vaccinations, not for myself, but to ensure there are less for people and groups that I fear and hate!
damn, you just got scolded by a Chia Pet.
I’m trying to wrap my head around the sight of Prince and Sinead O’Connor involved in a foot chase through L.A. in the middle of the night and NOT have “Yakety Sax” play in my head when I do.
Frankly there are few better ideas than actually silencing Joe Rogan. This idiot is the reason I wish cancel culture was actually a thing.
What a great interview
I, for one, am Blindsided that Hollywood Argoing around claiming a movie is based on a true story without challenging its veracity. Are they just Conjuring up stories with the barest bit of truth and just running wild with it? That’s not very Cool Runnings of you, Hollywood.
Finally, the Katharine Hepburn documentary everyone was clamoring for!
None of this makes any sense. This looks decently cool, but the A.V. Club has to be smug and douchey about it rather than just saying “this looks decently cool.”
William Hughes only pawn in game of life.
“Whedon’s current issues stem from his recent wedding to Canadian artist Heather Horton”
If he’s the mayor of Flavortown...does that make you the Treasurer of Bittertown?
In their defense, he did do that.
The Village People finally do something interesting - writing a letter to a youthful male musician - and DON’T start it by writing, “Young man - “
Weeknd, there’s no need to feel down. I said, Weeknd, pick yourself off the ground. There’s no need...to...be...un...happy.
Charlyne Yi is working on a checklist for you people.
As the mother of a 16 year old, I find the fact that kids that young are legally allowed to marry full grown-ass adults abhorrent. All of this is deeply sad.
2011 was a craaaazy time! We were all still recovering from Balloon Boy
It sure looks a lot better than this: