My initial thought: Why didn’t I know Arianna Grande was Larry David’s daughter?
My initial thought: Why didn’t I know Arianna Grande was Larry David’s daughter?
The Cult is fucking great, and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.
In my head I picture the crematorium worker just listening to music and missing the whole fiasco. I’ve decided that employee was listening to -
Yub Nub version!
This is essentially your review of every episode of this show. Why are you still watching it?
Let me guess: two hours of us falling in love with the baby, baby dies, parents realize they love the cat they’ve had all along more.
I still can’t believe the ego it takes to run in an election with no plan, no ideas, no reason except to sate their own ego.
My bold statement of the day: Revolutionary Road is my favorite book by my favorite author. The film is aggressively ... ok.
It was adapted as a TV movie (not miniseries) a couple of years after it came out. It was fair to middling as I recall, and definitely needed a better screenwriter. I read it the same year it came out and still kinda haunts me.
I had to read both The Things They Carried and In the Lake of the Woods for school. One for English, one for Literature.
Stoned or not, in-character all the time or not, Wesley Snipes was the least of Blade III’s problems.
They almost made a third movie together, just after The Sting, with a good script and a good director, then Paul Newman told the guy “I’m not so sure about it, you should hire British actors instead, for instance Michael Caine and Sean Connery, who are great friends in real life.”
As it happened I just watched “Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid” this past Friday, and man, I know I’m not exactly breaking ground with this analysis but these two are just DYNAMITE together. Their charisma, the way they work together, it’s just magnificent. I was grinning through the whole damn thing.
You can tell that John Huston knew exactly what he was doing with those two.
It was on the troubled production of that last film that Connery suffered a broken wrist, an injury caused by the fight choreographer—Steven Seagal, of all people.
He was the only man who ever played an alien pretending to be an Egyptian pretending to be a Spaniard.
Peter Straub’s Ghost Story, the adaptation of which also features one of the creepiest sudden-corpse jump scares in cinema.