
The skirt actually reminds me of Princess Margaret's dress from 1960, although less full. It had the same sort of big layered pleats for movement. (I'm sure there's a fashion term for these, but I don't know it.) But yeah, now that I'm studying the pics, there's a lot of detailing that didn't show up because of the

I was underwhelmed at first, and then when she walked toward the cameras I noticed that movement on the skirt and the pleating and detailing involved there. . .the construction/detailing of the dress was amazing!

@ZiggyStarPuff: third time. this really warranted a "trigger warning" all three times.

@latteswiggingelitist: I want the above quote plastered all over every gym women's locker room in the world! Amen to that!

"Your body was made for so much more than being looked at, deprived of food, and enjoyed by others. Your body was made for kicking some ass."

You know what would be better? If all women could love and care for their bodies whatever size they are and not have to worry what the effing media thinks about said size. That would be better.

@yumpopink: They're also responsible for the so sexist they're ridiculous Axe body spray ads.

@Casquivana: that. my friend is a giant beaver.

I didn't think I was that emotional. Then, on the subway, "A Change is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke came up on my shuffle and I burst into tears.

@Eeva: by these standards, my beloved "Gashlycrumb Tinies" would go on the bonfire, too.

I don't know which to do first: weep, throw up, or download an application for permanent residency in Canada.