They call themselves the “Schwebsters”.
They call themselves the “Schwebsters”.
Um, when was the last time 500 women (at least) were assaulted en masse in one night, in one place, by an organised group (or groups) of men? The Tahrir Squre gang rapes and assaults are the only one I can think of. The Puerto Rican Day parade attacks come to mind as well but they pale in comparison to Tahrir and…
My response to my (all too many) “progressive” friends wringing their hands over the right-wing using this to be racist is, “Probably some people will do that, which is all the more reason for us to offer a constructive response that shows how to advocate for women.”
I am so so frustrated, I could cry. I did see the article you reference too. Surely we can talk about this intelligently without once again silencing women. I mean, plenty of white men rape, plenty of men from all races rape, we need to talk about it.
Found this article interesting; apparently Stockholm had some similar attacks last summer and the press stayed quiet about them too.
I actually have seen more comments like yours, then I’ve seen of people actually caring about women/condemning brown people. Everyone is chomping at the bit to say that we care more about this because “brown” people did it, when the reality is, no one cares about this! This has barely even been a news story. Yes, the…
Religious and cultural background absolutelty matter because they are explantory factors for behavior. Period. You can isolate these things as causal factors without being a racist, Islamophobic asshole, but ignoring the fact that numerous women were sexually assaulted by a specific group of men because that fact…
I am glad you guys posted something, the mainstream media’s insistence on burying this story because they are afraid it may cause people to be racist/biased/whatever is abhorrent. Hundreds of women were sexually assaulted in a coordinated attack, this should be the number one story. It isn’t even on CNN’s front page,…
Don't worry, there are still plenty.
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