
Marginalizing people who did not go to college is not going to help the Democratic party, either.

I’m confused - why aren’t the American born players fighting to have their amateur draft revoked then? How would an international draft differe than that of US-born players that has been in place for decades? Is there some fine print I am missing on certain stipulations the owners were pushing for in said

No one likes to talk about the trickle up costs of this. As a business owner, if I have to pay a McDonalds worker $15/ hour, those costs need to be borne somewhere. Its either through automation (ordering kiosks to eliminate headcount) or increased product price. Who eats at McDonalds primarily? People making

The $15 minimum wage idea is nice-sounding, but fraught with peril. It will escalate the drive for large corporations to automate and eliminate labor. Smaller businesses will go away in large numbers, and what will be unseen is the number of small businesses that will never open going forward.

I understand not being a rose glasses bootlicker and all, but why should a guy who apparently is shitting on the team and coaches be allowed full access to the sidelines where these same players and coaches are operating?

The only thing worse than them using the suites would be if they DIDN’T use them. Nothing bugs me more when I’m at a game and I see a super expensive suite that’s basically empty. Meanwhile, I’m crammed in next to a sweaty fat guy (or a mirror, I’m not sure) in tiny seats, surrounded by idiots yelling the most asinine

The joke is not on the people of Flint.

This is a pretty tame sign, honestly.

Look at it this way: it’s using the popularity of the matchup to bring attention to a crisis that the media has largely forgotten.

Samer, I feel foolish telling you this, but this joke is not about the Flint water crisis, nor is that what makes this joke offensive.

Technically Flint water isn’t diseased. It’s just infused with some extra chemical compounds.

The problem with the Democratic party is that it’s not an inclusivist movement. It masquerades as one, but it’s really become an exclusivist reactionary movement. It isn’t saying, “Let’s all work together toward a goal.” but rather, “Let’s unite traditionally excluded groups and fight against the traditional

How dare a comedian not jump aboard the Correct Way to Think. What nerve!

Geez. We make fun of Trump for his thin skin but maybe we should, like, never do that again if a single joke at Democrats’ expense is going to generate 20 think pieces. Has the petition to have Jost fired and his fields sowed with salt been posted?

“Jost is saying that liberals should deemphasize equal rights for all people.”

As a liberal that is also a part of the LGBT community the whole 37 different genders is a bit ridiculous. It’s not why we lost the election and the joke was lame but it’s still an absurd concept.

“Jost is saying that liberals should deemphasize equal rights for all people because it alienates rednecks.”

this reaction to this joke is why democrats lost the election

I don’t get the outrage on this one. It’s a joke.

it was a good joke