
why do you hate Ken Bone?

if only they wrote a post every time they did it like they do to other sites

Agreed. And where were the Butcher and Candlestick Maker? Silent as usual...

as someone who has done a couple gang bangs (before I came out - and I was secretly more into seein the guys than the girl!), yes, there a lot of times is a lot of coordination. The set up of it is exhausting. The sex is the easy part.

TIL I have a very different definition of “stomps” than Patrick Redford

one of my first thoughts was that this is going to be hell on the scorekeeper for Panthers goals haha


but what if they didn’t rape her... then what do you hope?

She said she was training to be a massage therapist at the time, and figured Rose might be a good connection.

but it does help explain why he has such thin skin

I’m sure it’s informative, but then I’d have to listen to Malcolm fucking Gladwell.

or it’s just a fucked up PR stunt... and in Broner’s case, it could be either. But I’m not giving him the benefit of the doubt either.

you okay bae?

ball don’t lie!

I thought we were done with dabbing. Can’t wait for their planking pics then!

over/under on how many people on the very diverse Deadspin staff can speak more than 5 Spanish words?

I wish Burneko would write more

why does Drew pronounce his last name wrong?

well we certainly appreciate you getting the ball rolling

lol yup. No one has ever heard men talk about women the way Trump does. He’s the only one! That locker room culture he mentioned is totally fake.