The guy doesn't even understand WHY Wendy is a threat to Lara, she is more intimately connected to him. Chuck saw this in season one when they had that big session, like good lord, just don't watch or comment if you,don't get it…
The guy doesn't even understand WHY Wendy is a threat to Lara, she is more intimately connected to him. Chuck saw this in season one when they had that big session, like good lord, just don't watch or comment if you,don't get it…
The comment that he hasn'tt cheated doesn't make any sense either. Again, you don't get the psychology of these type of people. It makes no sense for Buffet to wear the cheapest suit in the room and still own his first home when he's in the top five of wealth in the world. These comments piss me off, cause they don't…
Why would being a billionaire make him respond differently?
It's like pay attention to REAL LIFE, it didn't make sense for Sterling a billionaire Sports Team owner, in a sport dominated by African Americans, to have an Afican-American - Mexican mistress, in PUBLIC, then get caught on tape telling her, she should be ashamed to take a picture with Magic Johnson or other blacks.…
They even cleverly found a way to introduce the idea of a Car Loan financing subprime ” bubble" much like the home loans or the student loan bubble.
I could go on and on about shit that just missed by the reviewers, or people posting about the show, so much depth, at least that's how I see it…
What I feel a lot of people missed is that he was most attracted to her CLASS, and financial/social standing. Did you see the look on his face seeing her apartment for the first time? Or how he struggled to maintain a sense of equality at dinner with her father, the " Businessman"? How the father openly challenged…
Take Bryan and Kate's romance, right? I think the whole point of that was to give insight to what drives Connerty. I feel like the shows creators were trying to show an upper crust type, who DIDNT come from that world, but wanted in desperately..
Again, it's like people ACTUALLY think the show is REALLY about fuckin hedge funds and a US Attorney, and on the surface, it is…
On top of that, Wendy is for the first time maybe ever, STRUGGLING AT Her JOB, whereas Talor has a METEORIC ASCENT to the top. The parralles are so fuckin obvious, but again, there seems to be no shortage of people lacking the attention to connect the dots. The show , IMO, is PHENOMENAL.. ITS about the psychology of "…
This ties into the conversation about WHY and WHAT makes people seek out others. At that moment, ( again, as Wendy pointed out, like a crossroads, where you make a choice about WHO YOU WANT TO BE) Taylor has moral integrity, but not the SUCESS THEY believe they deserve. Wendy has the life and the success, she is the…
I made a post, three times last week' ( it kept getting deleted, lol) explaining the dichotomy of Wendy vs Taylor. Go back to their interaction in Wendy's office. Remember how impressed Wendy was with Taylor? First of all she saw some of HERSELF in Taylor, in that They were able to read her so effortlessly. She…
I just read a review from a New York Times writer, and they got the fuckin FRENCH RESTAURANT WRONG, like goddamn, ARE YALL PAYING ATTENTION, LOL
Like, the ENTIRE conversation between Axe and Taylor where he got Them to agree to stay. Or the one about poker, and how Their's BIGGEST conflict, was being " THOUGHT OF AS GOOD", ( basically being well LIKED,not actually being good, important distinction..) at the same time as BEING THE BEST at what They do.(…
How in the world did you miss the Character ark of Taylor? Like people have said that they " Spell" things out too much in the show, don't trust the audiences intelligence, and then people go and PROVE the shows creators correct, in that PEOPLE CLEARLY NEED THIS SHIT SPELLED OUT FOR EM, maybe the show is TOO…
@ Tondeaf
I actually took Chucks endorsement of the IPO, as a bad reaction to finding out Axe was buying up the Churchill additions. His rant to Kate about " How do you fight something THAT powerful?". It's like in that moment he realized he would have to bring to bear all his financial resources if he wanted the kind of POWER…
@ Marta
@ Mary b