
Well I like it. *shrug*
And it looks like art to me. And I genuinely like it. IMO the pieces show an eye for balance, detail, and overall gestalt. Regardless: She put things together in a way that pleased her. That's art. Hey, I like to make fun of privileged stars all day, but since when did something stop being art

Her hair is full of secrets.

Pasta certain point, things get ridiculous. She needs to use her noodle.

I don't know; the whole thing seems a little too strained.

All hail his Noodliness! Ra-men.

See, in this picture, he looks like the Jesus that was on my bedroom crucifix as a kid. I mean, he's not crying blood at least, but still...

She clearly didn't send ENOUGH. Snacktastic didn't get one!

Sending out a ton of invites to people you know won't come to your wedding is also a way that greedy people can get a ton of gifts and cash.

she could just be super super genuine... so genuine it's naive. you know. not everyone is cynical.

Yeah I don't think Mayweather, Chris Brown or even Axl Rose beat women up out of cowardice. They're just assholes

It looks like it. My understanding is that if there is a risk of some kind of "vigilante justice" they'll use things like bulletproof vests to protect criminals in order to ensure the due process of the trial.

"When Higgs came back the next day...."

one brand of feminism is telling people how to be a feminist... guess which one is jezebel?

Such a cool story, though its a shame that a couple who has been together for 72 years, had visited all 50 states, 10 Canadian Provinces, and lived through some of the wildest times in American history were barely able to cross "Get married to the woman I love" off their bucket list.

True love is real and this is the most beautiful thing in the world! These ladies have been together since they were 18- and 19-year-old lesbians in the Midwest in the '40s! Can you even imagine how cool they would be to hang out with? I would be starstruck if I ever met them.

Do you think it will last?

72-year relationship??? WOW.
