
Do you also complain on supercar threads about how they can’t hold luggage or haul lumber? Bitching about something a car wasn’t designed to do is like whining that your toaster doesn’t make orange juice.

Since when are facts stupid?

Long time avclub reader, but this is the first time I’ve commented. I just want to say thanks for the recaps - I really appreciate them. I’ve watched the show since season 1 and it keeps getting better and better.

Wow. What a great episode. I can’t remember when a character’s death affected me more as I was watching it. I lost it. That doesn’t usually happen to me.

I will concede that those terrible glasses distracted from his fantastic beard (though S1 beard > S2 beard by a hair, har har). The ‘stache still takes top prize! My dad had the same look around the mid-80s so I’ll chalk it up to nostalgia. And a personal taste in some pretty seedy men.

@Dennis - You forgot (or missed) one (possibly) salient (in terms of her and Joe’s future) detail : 

“Donna spends her vacation finally finishing Pilgrim, which ends with Cameron’s warrior-hero finally reaching that inviting-looking cabin, and being greeted with an embrace...”

...from what looks like a child.

Since Gordon was given the illness in series 2, my friends and I have been waiting for him to drop. I started to honestly think they wouldn’t go down that road in the final season. Yet, for a death largely anticipated for two seasons, I still found myself shocked when it happened. So many shows would’ve gotten his

this is the first time ever I comment here, I just wanna say Gordon’s death was beautiful and devastating and I never felt like that with any other show before, damn! :( ... oh, I really like your reviews Dennis, keep on the good work.

I’m rewatching and I think one of the themes is surprising unexpected connections. People are sort of tense and short with each other, expecting the worst, then suddenly... Cam walks in on a wedding... Donna walks into her boss offering to support her... Gordon overhears her daughter and Joe connecting... these are

For me, the tip off that something was going to happen to Gordon was at the end, when he genuinely seemed to not remember how he got dirty and how he forgot that he was having dinner with Katie.

This show should be studied for the next several decades as a masterclass in creating conflict among your characters without making any of them a villain.

BOLD TAKE ALERT: HaCF is better than Madmen. yeah I said it, @me

I think this was one of the single best hours of episodic TV I’ve ever seen. I’m a 59 yr old lifer tech geek (complete with some Bay Area; Boulder now; still cranking with small high-tech co because what else would I do; etc.) and this show has connected with me at the deepest levels. They pretty much had ME die

Gordon’so dying moments were beautiful. I think we all were sad that he and Donna divorced and it was somehow... good that his final thoughts were of his life with her.

The second he started hallucinating Donna walking down the hallway I had a feeling where it was going, but I was hoping I was wrong and he was just having a stroke or something and we’d still see him alive the next episode. I feel like a lot of shows, before a character dies, really foreshadows it by having them tie

It’s criminal that there isn’t a bigger audience for this show. It deserves all the Emmys but you just know it will be a distant memory by this time next year. I’m to raw to rehash what I just saw so I’ll just focus on the detail that Haley’s bedroom wall had the poster for one of the great nerd opuses of all time,

Well. Damn. I just spent most of today surrounded by the grief of my loved ones over the funeral of my sisters’ father (and my mother’s ex-husband). Like Katie with Gordon here, my mother found him at his home a few days ago - just as she found my own father several years ago. So those last moments, especially Donna

This show! Gordon dying was an anticipated endgame, but I didn’t think this soon. And seeing all if the reactions just kept making it more and more heartbreaking.

For a show about technology and the development of personal computing, this is one of the more human shows I’ve ever seen. It goes slow and curtails itself when other shows would go for the bombastic, and it has such control over its events that they seem more true to life than they way these events are portrayed on

I’m not crying, you’re crying!