
I have a problem with files that are not in use, not "locked" in the traditional sense, but I can't delete them because of the following error:

@Sinthetic: Agreed. And, as a last thought, we can discuss personal home lighting all we want, but its a small drop in the pond when looking at the whole responsible lighting issue as a whole. We can help the situation by using responsible outdoor lighting and motion-activated security lights around our homes, and

@Zuma: I agree, and I concede that I should've put more emphasis in my previous statement that "there is no solid proof either way" if lighting reduces crime or not. Its the first point I usually pull the trigger on for responsible lighting, since security is generally the first augment put against dark sky

Here's my three blind mice. Primary is the MX518, which is great for gaming and my everyday computing. Then the MX Revolution, which stunk for gaming IMHO, but good for wireless mousing needs when I'm playing video on my TV which is at the other end of the room. Last, I have a Logitech V150 which I "borrowed" from

I've got a tip: Don't! There's nothing I hate more than unnecessary light pollution. I don't understand why people light up their trees or put upward firing spotlights on the sides of their houses.

@SubrataCormorant: I think it was curious that, I had always used PG2 for my very light Torrent usage and never had a problem. Then I switched to Windows 7 and didn't use PG2 b/c there is no Win7 version, and within a month I got a "warning" from my ISP. It could've been coincidence, but I'm going to give PeerBlock a

@FoxFireX: 26 now! Make that 27! Woo! Irony in action!

That is either a very early or a very late lunch you are going to have with somebody tomorrow.

@Sbudda: Even with the middle section I'm still a little confused. Income before taxes = 63,091 Expenditures = 49,638 (of which is broken up into the pie chart) So the difference 13,453 is taxes (21%)? Where is savings? This is why I'm not an accountant.

@jupiterthunder: Same thing came to my mind. Flies and gnats always have a gay-olde-time flying into my ear canal whenever I'm trying to relax outside on the porch. Not exactly avoiding danger on their part.

Since my work has no retirement plans I've been wanting to set up my own Roth IRA for a while now. Can I do this by myself or do I need to hire a financial planner to set it up for me? I just want something that runs on autopilot (I hear index funds are good for this) where every year I fund to the max I can give and

I'm much more of a covers tucked person. If the covers are untucked then they'll end up on the floor and I'll wake up freezing and completely vulnerable to closet monsters.

@kagekiri: What if you rotate your bed 180-degrees? Perhaps its more of an East/West thing.

I guess I'm doing a hybrid of both. I have a folder called "To Do" where I file most incoming emails regarding projects that need to be done. If I get an assignment or project from a non-email source (phone, meeting) then I email myself the details, and then file that email in the To Do folder. Any other email that

@Calexxia: That's exactly the idea I had! I have a bunch of old Threadless t-shirts and other amusing designs that either don't fit or are worn out that would be perfect to make into a netbook sleeve. I figure I could line the interior of the sleeve with some felt, and if I was ambitious maybe a layer of neoprene in

@D0rk: I was in your shoes about a month ago. Never been into coffee before but all the talk, history, gadgets and "science" around it had me intrigued and I wanted in on it.

Woah, Joel over at Boing Boing Gadgets, at only four minutes prior this morning, posted a similar query about making DIY desks and the possibility of outsourcing the large custom wood cutting needed.

You could make it more astonishing by having the mark write on the coin with their initials or something, to prove that you don't have 2 coins.

@2-7offsuit is ioos: Seconded. I was just about to ask what that chair in the photo was, but a High Five would be a great idea. I know the High Fives are normally software, but this is begging to be done.

I grabbed a rod (HA!) of those powerful mini rare-earth magnets from Amazon a while ago and haven't run out of useful uses for them. They're much better at holding stacks of paper to the fridge than crummy novelty magnets. Also, I've used them to connect two halves of window curtains that never seem to want to make a