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A lot of rich delusional assholes want a lot of vainglorious things. 

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Every time I hear more about this ‘Twitter as a financial platform’ I think of the college humor Venmo CEO video:

The “stock market’? You’re aware how large the market is and how utterly massive the corrupt players that are already in it, right? He would be a minor blip on the radar. 

Because Elon is a beacon of honesty... 

Otherwise, the request reportedly claimed that Twitter was “the heartbeat of the financial community.”

“Everything Apps” sound like nightmarish vendor lock-in. What person with a smartphone or laptop is going to centralize their financial or digital footprint within one space?

“Tech bro” promoted FAR beyond the level of his incompetence continues to make really terrible decisions about which he knows even less than John Snow.

He can’t even get basic tweeting right, who in their right mind would invest their money through this disaster.

Well, who wants to go through the trouble of entering the ‘𝕏’ Unicode character every time we refer to it, when we can annoy Musk by continuing to call it ‘Twitter’?

aw it’s cute that you believe that 

Elon lies. A lot. That’s not even something he’d deny.

People that get banned from WeChat basically have their lives crippled.  That’s Elon’s real endgame.  He wants to build an everything app so that once everyone is on it, he can ruin the lives of his enemies by dropping the banhammer.

Elon seems to want to be everything, everywhere, everyday, all the time in our lives....why?

Hang on, “$cashtags” too? Nope. The thought of managing tweets with @a, $x, and a bunch of #c at the end gives me an input-sanitizing panic attack.

I think it’s rather remarkable that Musk continues to add features to the platform that no one asked for. Or wanted. Ever.

He can always reverse what he says because it was based on "best of his knowledge" - which is "nothing much" 

I appreciate that we’re ignoring the name change and continue to call it Twitter.

Elon will now even have more influence in his manipulation and destruction of the stock market. Hold onto your pennies as he pumps and dumps the stock market like he has done to crypto in the past. His character really shows how power corrupts. He just gets more and more evil by the second.

Elon said this is BS minutes after the news broke, yet you still wrote an entire article on it.

Like I’m going to give perhaps the largest rent-seeker in America today the chance to use my hard-earned cash as “other people’s money.”