Damn. I don’t know what I expected, but this looks great.
It’s like this:
I fell asleep to The Last Duel twice. Finally just gave up. Never finished it. Don’t plan on it either.
The Martian is literally a perfect movie.
Nah, to me they’re both pretty popular, entertaining, and incredibly well-made and rewatchable. They always seem to be playing on TV.I don’t think Gladiator is the clearly superior of the two.
Just started playing on the PS5, pretty amazing the size and scale of everything. Glad XBOX players will get to experience the game too.
This site regularly criticizes C-suite executives of gaming companies, and this article is explicitly about female journalists and developers. That’s the text of this article. Representation in this context refers to the gaming news desks that cover games and the development teams whose labor produces the games we all…
“Look guys, all I’m saying is, we can all be sure, none of us are infected.”
he’s a duck duck?
I was thinking the same thing. Look at the box and manual artwork for any Atari 2600 game. It definitely relied on one’s imagination.
If an actor makes 10 movies a year, and only one of them is good, you know what that makes him? An actor who makes a good movie every year, which is better than most other actors do.
I feel the same way about the realism. I know some of it nostalgia, but games like Half-Life felt so immersive because it felt like a real setting, but I had to imagine what was on the random sheets of paper on office bulletin boards or whatever.
I thought Reach’s online was amazing.
Same! Good times!
I’m just waiting for 343 to fix that spinning-in-the-air death animation that’s been happening for literal months. It happens maybe every ten deaths and it’s so obvious, I can’t imagine why it’s taken so long to patch out.
I’m having an absolute blast with Fall of the House of Usher. Had to stop myself from watching the whole thing in a single eight hour blast. The tone is just so spooky and fun and the Poe stories and references are so well integrated within this big gleefully-watch-the-Sackler-family-get-destroyed-by-death-itself…
sad to hear. I played the campaign twice (once at launch and once 3 months ago to solo legendary). Never experienced any large bugs like crashing and character models would only seldomly die in a weird way. Either the game has destabilized with recent updates, or its just you.
Anecdote is not data, but I’ve never had any problems like that on the XBox. I have had the occasional crash-to-desktop on the PC, but nothing weird like that model issue.
I am too young for Cheers and even I know that Thanksgiving Orphans belongs at the top of this list.