
Speaking of other media—Android: Netrunner, my favorite nerdy card game of all time blatantly uses the PreCogs as an aspect of the game. Though in the game they were psychic clones that helped protect a clone manufactoring company from espionage and theft.

It’s an adaptation of a Philip K. Dick story, which has been its own little cottage industry for action stars and blockbuster directors (starting with Blade Runner, then Total Recall, and so on). Don’t get me wrong, I totally miss that era, but it’s not like it wasn’t some preestablished formula.

Aw, same power faceoffs are TIGHT!

“those people cannot be classified as technically sane”

People just lack empathy. To them that plane was no big deal. Just like to them all the kids irl dying to shootings, shit police, hunger, lack of access to medicines, etc. is no big deal.

Yeah, the two main characters are Hughie and Starlight. Homelander is the main antagonist, and Butcher can be seen as both the secondary protagonist and secondary antagonist. 

I would be curious is the people that made Fight Club had as much contempt for Durden as these people do for Kripke. I don’t think Palachuick did.

Starr is sooo good in the show.

The Boys is the Fight Club of TV shows.

Hell no! I’ve been waiting for this.

My wife and I took a flyer on RRR and it was fantastic. Wow, we enjoyed the hell out of it. I was grateful for the English soundtrack.

Thank you! The Galaxy Commander was also glorious! As a fan of Classic Space, you might enjoy my redux/retool of Space Police I!

I had that thing as well - not quite as epic as the Explorer, but still great. The blue canopies mated beautifully with the yellow canopies, producing green light when passing through both of them - which really intrigued and rather astounded me as a child.

Just watched it for the first time last year.  Yes, loved it. Needs more love.

As a big fan of Daybreakers AND All You Zombies, I have a vague recollection that I PROBABLY looked forward to seeing this when it was originally announced, but somehow I never saw it and I did not remember this movie at all until now. 

I agree, and that tends to be where I most enjoy Star Wars as well. I think if he was given that remit he’d kill it but... I really hope he goes absolutely bonkers and does none of that. Just to see what he’d do! (i’ll admit that i’d love a lightsaber battle or two, keep those in)

One of the trailers, I believe even has a scene of Eddie, in The Upsidedown rocking out.

Agreed. Not a huge fan of Seasons 2 and 3. Hard to put my finger on, but this felt more “fun” that the last 2, and just less “try hard.” Season 1 was a rehash of E.T. themes, and Season 4 is Freddy - both favorites of mine - so that might have something to do with it.

Well, Piranha Women does not look great. But, it does have piranha women 

I’ve enjoyed just about everything I have seen that’s been attached to Waititi, esp. JoJo Rabbit and What We Do in The Shadows. So although I am a die hard Star Wars fan (enjoyed it all except for the final sequel film) I will definitely look forward to a Waititi Star Wars project.