Relevance is the word “always” - couch gaming wasn’t possible from the PC, or at least not without a lot of cost and effort, for most of the time I’ve been gaming.
Relevance is the word “always” - couch gaming wasn’t possible from the PC, or at least not without a lot of cost and effort, for most of the time I’ve been gaming.
I know. I bought Halo: CE on launch day, had the Xbox Live Beta Test Kit with MotoGP, and first played Halo online via XBConnect’s tunnel service.
Wait what? Tifa’s boobs in Remake were small? Those things were ginormous.
How about all news in general?
Eight people saying dumb shit is not “a lot of people are saying”.
Did you used to have to walk through five miles of snow just to play Halo back in your day too?
Yep. You mean the spinning like Chief is being roasted on a skewer?
Okay gotcha. I think OP was saying MGS3 is the one “everyone knows” but yes, reading up now and I get Twins Snakes was disliked due to the cutscenes etc.
Source? I would think OG MGS1 would be “the” entry everyone knows but might be a generation/age thing.
Pineapple and peanut butter FTW
Only played the campaign so far (just got an Xbox) but was surprised at the amount of bugs I ran into. Game has crashed about five times, usually when I start it up the campaign has no sound for the first 2-3 minutes of gameplay before it finally clicks in. The character models do the dumbest things on dying - most…
Yes, you come off as deeply insecure and incredibly unlikable and you should work on it, because it’s painful for anyone reading your posts and I’m sure that pain is not shared to this one article.
“One, it’s my thread. I started it. The rest of these jokers just wanted in on it, desperate for me to notice them.”
“With the development of the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel starting...”
No, very fair correction. Thank you!
I mean intent is the difference between manslaughter and homicide though, and they do carry pretty different sentences.
Given that Trump is mentally 13 years old that’s almost certainly why he picked her. That and her white supremacist father.
Not one actually scary game on this list.
Pretty straightforward supply and demand.
Yeah I get it but just can’t do it. There are already too many Calls of Duty and other first-person shooters out there that are all run-and-gun, if a game is going to also often dozens of other innovative ways to play I’m going to try those instead.
That sounds awesome. I’m all in.