
They could say the same about us and the revolution?

These videos are simply amazing...

I just... there are a lot of things my brain is incapable of understanding. My normal example is my inability to comprehend that, say, Germans don't speak English in their head. I know they speak German in their head, but nope, they speak English. Internal monologue is subtitled.

I've never catcalled. I didn't believe it was real until a coworker/friend of mine was catcalled in front of me.

BEST news I've heard in months! FUCK YEAH!


"Hey son, I heard you like playing with a Loot Cave..."

Serious Question: Are there OTHER loot caves? I was playing last night, on the Moon, and there's an area with a cave that creatures spawn out of (I think. It's next to that raised dome you climb on top of and scan to complete a patrol mission). I kept moving further away hoping for a spawn but I think another

I was addicted (technically still am) to the Honor Harrington series. They do a pretty good job of describing factual space warfare, maybe give em a try.

I JUST got the invite last night to the Vault! AND had my first Loot Cave extravaganza! That would be the part where 800,000 enemies come pouring out of every corner. It was fun.

The A-10 should never be retired. It's just too damn good at it's job, period.

That being said, I do adore my 5th generation aircraft (YEAH! both of ems!)

Um... Sorry?

those photos... those horrible horrible cliched photos.

Of course, not knowing where an F-22 might be lurking in the skies above is even more pants shitting scary.

They BAILED on me!

I can't stop playing.

How come he has a kitty?! I want a kitty!! WHERE'S MY KITTY!!!!

Yep! The instant the big baddie goes up I start dancing.

I like you, you're a nice person. (felt like the 80+ comments calling you stupid needed a break)