While different yet similar, Zelda BoTW looks to be a far, FAR better action/action RPG game.
While different yet similar, Zelda BoTW looks to be a far, FAR better action/action RPG game.
Yes and this unofficial Lego version is 239840329841023482309483x better.
When a powerful U.S. Senator is delivering copies of Pizzagate conspiracy theory manifestos to the director of the FBI, this equivalence will become valid.
I disagree with the headline 100%. There are so many things that actually makes PC the worst place to play. The only thing that comes to mind are some of the better ports we got this year with Hitman, Rise of the Tomb Raider. Then theres cross play with games like Rocket League, Gears, and maybe include street fighter…
Or, don’t hang around people who will think less of you if you choose not to drink...if that’s your choice, whatever, I like to drink, but I certainly wouldn’t look down on someone who didn’t; however I would look down on someone who faked it for the sake of being liked. Also I’d kind of look down on you for not…