
We got a tiny bit of snow here in the Twin Cities over the weekend, and I had the pleasure of driving being a jerk who had barely cleared off his sedan as I entered the freeway yesterday. He’d wiped off about a third of his back window so he could see (the side he could get without walking his lazy butt around to the

I live here. And I work at the Convention Center sometimes. Let me tell you, The Loop is *nothing* like public transportation. It only operates when there is a convention in progress, not in between. Since I mostly do setups and teardowns, I have *never* had the opportunity to take this. It’s not transportation, it’s

Jesus....I cant unsee that after you mentioned it.  Back end birth canal, fo shiz.

I agree. It looks like it’s giving birth to another car at the rear.

It looks like it’s giving birth to a 997, which coincidentally you could have bought instead for the same money (and would probably be a better move)

It isn’t a metaphor for the future. It isn’t even our actual future. It is our present.

The EV subsidies will change so that the wording makes it so only Tesla qualifies for them. 

My RX8 race car was fantastic at turning fuel into heat, noise, and not much else.

Use 93 octane in a car made for 87 octane.

She is, consistently, and has said some absolutely sociopathic shit about motorcyclists.

Are you always this insufferable?

Motorcycle haters? How do I put this eloquently? Oh! Got it:

Before our eyes, a kakistocracy is forming, with elements of the Peter Principle gratuitously applied. 

The corruption and self-dealing we’re going to see over the next 4 (or more) years is going to be on a scale never seen before in US history.

It’s amazing how the leaders of MAGA know how insanely stupid their base is, and how shamelessly they pander to and intentionally foster that ignorance.

California and the other Blue States pay for the federal government. It’s our money.

Cry more

You forgot the GMC Cyclone.

Count me as part of the minority who never played.

Agreed. It’d probably help in MNDOT effectively communicated changes to rules or expectations. If one wants to effectively enact zipper merge, all generations of drivers need to receive the communication -- not just new drivers. Same thing with lane splitting/filtering... yup, it’ll be legal. But nobody’s really been