I’m an 'elder' millennial (early 40's) and it blows my mind how anyone younger than me can be conservative.
Yeah, I also look redneck-ish. It's funny how they always complain about 'liberal propaganda' and how they always have to hear it, but I've never once brought up politics or anything remotely close. It's always the right wing chuds who start off with some snide remark. I'd love to tell them to fuck off but I value…
Same here. I think it's damn near the same size as my old Xterra. I do too many back country / remote trips to switch to electric though. Hopefully by the time my current vehicle is in need of replacement the infrastructure is in place to make that a non-issue.
I’ve gone from rarely seeing a Rivian, to at least one a day. Different ones even! Seeing more of the SUV ones as well. Looks great, wish I had the kind of cash needed to buy one..
Very true
Fuck nazis, and fuck nazi sympathizers.
My dad was a BMW motorcycle guy and hammered that into me at a young age.
I think it’s that stupid ‘have to fit golf bags in the trunk’ requirement. Made that ass too thicc
A very, very small percentage of people, especially in the mid-sized market. If there was money in it, GM would still be making them.
Waaaaay back in my younger days, I was up visiting my GF for the weekend at the house she was renting. No driveway, only street parking. At the time I had my ‘88 Fiero. It wasn’t a perfect car, but in pretty good shape overall. Parked it across the street and went out to do some partying.
Came here to say KTM 690. Not great for a high speed chase, gets a bit head-shakey over 80mph. Would be great in the city for ducking down alleys and through yards, though. Plus, I already have one in my garage.
Of those companies, Marzocchi was the most DH-centric around that time. Shiver, 888, Mr. T, Jr. T, Monster T, the ridiculous Super Monster T (300mm travel)..
Keeping TC on is the important part. Wide tires help, but even my Camaro 1LE with 305's in the back had no issue breaking them loose on the street.
It can also drive itself into fire trucks!
My buddy’s 2016 Tacoma. Front to back there’s enough room, but the floor is so high it’s like you’re driving with your feet sticking straight out in front of you.