Last Mariachi

Oh no, they've got you too!

Nope, you'll need a Phoenix Down for that.

Do we really need to ask these days?

I sincerely hate Metal Gear Solid 4 for how it seemed to deliberately go out of its way to ruin a bunch of characters, but a few of the end scenes are pretty great.

Recently finished Prey, which was very awesome. Picked up a few other things during the PSN sale that took place recently: Axiom Verge, Duke Nukem, The Evil Within (heard mixed things about it but for 14.99 it was hard to argue), and the Odin Sphere remaster. What I'm aiming to play is The Witcher 3, but I have to

Beastie Boys, Susumu Hirasawa, Bad Meets Evil, some Neko Case and lots of London Grammar.

Mostly David Cage. Shame he's so bad at it.

I learned about Super Bunnyhop on these very boards. Now soon they'll be lost forever, like tears in rain.

Small, but larger than the Hulkster's dick.

That's… pretty damn sad, actually. I don't have the time to post all the time but I've been reading these comment sections for 7 years, and it'd be a damn shame to lose access to all the wit.

I'm afraid they've already begun.

I'll give him From Dusk Til Dawn, I always thought he was great in that.

Ah, Miles Bennett Dyson. He also created Cyborg for DC!

I saw her cover for someone who couldn't make it to the Oddball Comedy Festival back in 2013. She was sick and had very little prep time… and she still killed it.

"Peter Fonda is Richard Petty in: the Marcel Marceau story!"


So space has a South, too?

Sho… Yu?

Chris Avellone is, from my experience, one of the absolute greats of video game storytelling. The guy totally understands that gameplay and story should complement each other rather than exist in their own spaces, and on top of that the guy is just a hell of a good writer. There aren't many people in the industry

Like the good book says, "More holes for more poles, sayeth the Lord."