Last Mariachi

Haha, nope! Enjoy Home Improvement, sucker!

All for the low, low price of $200!

What if Daniel Bryan comes out to give him a Knee+?

I'm guessing membership is closed?

Is it manscaping when Groot does it, or is it topiary?

I already tell them that.

Longinus keeps screwing up his lines!



Killed and eaten in the MCU, I'm sorry.

Fred Sanford's sons?

Thank God.

…What if it was the same guy, though?

Sunday in the Park with Groot

Great, I can finally film my dream project, Henry: Portrait of a Kidnapped Actor

Great, now Hawkeye won't stop texting me!

I think of them as a nice way to get people to stick around and at least catch a few of the names of the folks that busted their asses to make it happen.

Only if the Superior Foes of Spider-Man are there filming it happen.

Technically credits are part of the movie, so…

Maybe it'll play post-post credits, when the theater's closed.