Last Mariachi

This news would have been better on Thorsday.

Famous Ray's, actually.

Only Wheatabix.

It's like I'm fucking Studio 54!

Man, what a twist! *steals idea*

Well, I'm sure he farted near Hess a few times.

Like Kojak, or…?

I'm in importing/exporting, myself.

Man, how did Hitler become the one person immune to time-travel assassination?

Yeah, but then you'd have mob ties. I mean, on top of the one you already have.

I think that's just Eric Andre's regular job.

I think that fight evokes a similar response that the Shadow Link fight did for me in Ocarina of Time. You're in this enclosed space that you can't escape, but nothing's really there (literally, in Dark Soul's case). Then you wait for a bit, look around some… and then you see this distant thing that wasn't there a

Droppo is the laziest man on Mars.

Starring Idris Elba as Uncle Remus, only this time he's had enough of the honkies…*cocks shotgun*

So you're saying Keaton's career needed… MORE POWER!? (Buy Binford)

Neat, love spotting those old roles!

Gumbo is the best lunch item today.

And that man was David Boreanaz.

I can verify that…

Vs. Ozymandias