Why is that my problem?
Why is that my problem?
Yeah strong argument, go after grammar on the internet. What a tool.
You are trying to argue with people that only deal in emotion and not logic. You wont get anywhere.
Really? It’s not? How bout you go to night school and learn a trade.
That’s cause all the writers here are liberal hacks and puppets for the Soros dream machine.
Translation: Your a fucking moron.
Tough shit for them. Make bad choices in life, live with the consequences. I am not going to subsidize your stupidity. And dont give me this shit about not having the same opportunities. I guarantee everyone one of these people had the option to at least go to a tech school and learn a trade. And those jobs are in…
It kind of is. Takes about 3 mins to understand everything you need to know.
Define a “living wage” Go on, Ill wait.
Go fuck yourself.
How’s commenting on the internet working out for you?
Well if your too stupid to realize your paying 3 times the amount just so you can afford something based on weekly payments, then you deserve it. Tough shit.
Or you know, rather than getting the government involved people could not be dipshits?? I know it’s too much to ask for others to not be morons and buy shit they can’t afford while having to make payments on a fucking tv.
You are trash. Stop writing trash. Kthxbye
Why do you care if the characters are Gay? Why do we care at all what your sexual orientation is?
Let’s keep ramming this shit down peoples throat when it accounts for less than 5 percent of the population. Shit needs to end.
Should dump that piece of shit clinton down the drain too....
Think again dipshit.
In being a fucking retard? Yes.
God are you fucking retarded.