
You breathing makes us all worse. Go die in a fire.

Dont you know? Anyone that disagrees with the left is racist.....

Don’t let facts get in the way here at shitbag gizmodo with their neckbeard bloggers....

Okay racist.

Who gives a shit? Just some attention seeking whore. Looks like a guy to me. Does he have a penis? Then yup, he’s a man.

Great. Than I am a unicorn.

lol try for the leg first. Okay pussy.

*rolls eyes.....

As a life long Packers fan, I wait in eager anticipating of bathing in your tears =)

It’s a shoe.....

Why is this even on deadspin you hack?


It’s hilarious how much time your putting into this.... I can probably just let you off the line now, fishy.

Yeah we get it you think your smart. You still don’t know how to use a fucking comma.

Again, who gives a shit? You still don’t know how to use a fucking comma you twat.

Yup. Cept for the fact that Milwaukee has a huge bus system and every time I see one it has all of 3 people on it. All the smart people have left that shit hole. You people get what you deserve. Keep voting Barrett every fucking election and keep getting a Mayor who doesn’t do shit for the people you supposedly rally

Uh you can blame Doyle for driving out businesses like Miller and CAT. And Milwaukee is a shit hole because they keep voting dipshits like Barrett every fucking election. Rather than upgrade lead water pipes he would rather spend the money on his choo choo train that goes in a circle. Why do you think people left the

Holy shit dude. There is no comma after yes you dumb fuck.

No they are not. You should take a grammar class or two, specially if you want to act all high and mighty with pointing out other people’s grammar.

If you think you need a comma after every “and”, your fucking retarded. I wouldn’t expect you to understand.