
Why? To make you feel better about standing against the Confederacy 150 years after the fact?

I believe your pain is real, but I think you’re letting it cloud your judgement. Victory is when the statues are removed by popular will, not pulled down by a mob.

How do I view you and your family?

Swing and a miss.

If you want the statue to stay down, you cant turn it into a referendum on the modern south.

Im all for removing the statues, but Ive seen this dance before. It’s bad for the conversation if this turns into northern triumphalism instead of united progress from an ugly past.

That comment was andouille harsh

See? Something good came of this after all!


The only man that could lose to Trump, and therefore probably the Dem candidate for 2020.

Hey Univision, how about this:

Trump is Hitler you guys.

“After his EPIC take down of Donald Drumpf’s tweets, Keith Olbermann has emerged as the front runner for the Democratic presidential ticket!”

“After his EPIC take down of Donald Drumpf’s tweets, Keith Olbermann has emerged as the front runner for the Democratic presidential ticket!”

Ah, I see the distinction. OK, still sucks, but this makes a little more sense.

This seems especially odd. Other deportation stories seemed to at least have some sort of legal footing on the part of ICE, but what is the point of spending resources on these cases when their legality is so easy to disprove? There are hearings after detention, right? Wouldnt the case end as soon as they show a marri

I like the cut of his jib.

Thats a good point. We shouldn’t pass judgement until we see the couch and the rug.

To be fair, its a really nice couch. Ties the room together.

I think the general failure to hold narrators such as Omarosa to higher standards is going to result in a crisis of confidence when there is verifiable evidence instead of hearsay and salacious rumors. Fire and Fury felt good at the time, but the only tangible effect of the book at this point is a skepticism of