I’d say it’s more of a hypothesis that is given some weight by Trump’s success in the Rust Belt in 2016.
I’d say it’s more of a hypothesis that is given some weight by Trump’s success in the Rust Belt in 2016.
I’d absolutely love to see the public-school system fixed, but I’d also love for Americans to be able to have decent employment without having to go to college as a pre-requisite, especially when the value of the education is dubious and the long-term debt incurred is crippling. It’s a funny thing to say that there…
I think that might be reflective of the differences in economic situations between educated and uneducated Americans. If your job prospects reflect a high-school education, then a candidate that’s supportive of manufacturing and resource extraction is going to be a lot more appealing than a party that’s called the old …
Maybe in your city.
Trump is not a nazi.
“We only fight nazis! Also everyone who disagrees with us is a nazi.”
Yes. What about it?
*attacks cops, reporters, each other, trash cans*
Didn’t need to do anything. Nazis are politically irrelevant.
Of course peaceful protest is fine. But peaceful protest appears to be losing favor among significant portions of the left. “Punch a nazi!” and all that.
Zero. I don’t like self-proclaimed moral crusaders with a penchant for violence looking for a fight.
Because there are more antifa than white nationalists.
What are your opinions?
He wanted to be. This bit here:
Well, at least we have a bunch of new videos of antifa being assholes.
I haven’t seen that many white people in one place in DC since the Rally to Restore Sanity.
Sure. I like capitalism.
Yep, ya got me. ;)
My contention is that those institutions have existed in one form or another since the dawn of human history, and it’s dishonest to suggest that it was capitalism that creaated them.