
I’m not debating the finer points of a 20 page paper you weirdo, especially when it has nothing to do with the subject at hand (economic liberalization and quality of life as measured by common human development metrics, not disaffection for the political process in developed nations).

See article title.

How are they “trending the wrong way globally”?

The two are closely intertwined, but I think you’re being disingenuous if you think that the massive reduction in poverty due to economic liberalization had no effect on quality of life.

Thrillist looks like the kind of website my ad blocker was made for.

Fascism and socialism happily used those “solutions” as well.

You owned yourselves. The only thing you got out of confronting these guys is a bunch of videos of antifa being violent with cops and random people.

Metrics for both literacy and hunger have vastly improved thanks to economic liberalization and the subsequent increase in wealth it generates.

So you think that capitalism sucks?

Well, you only got hurt if you were protesting and got in a fight with the cops...or a news team...or each other.

While arguing for no regulations is a bit of a straw man, there has been decades of evidence linking dramatically improved quality of life with economic liberalization. Sure, there will always be a need for regulation, but capitalism remains the most potent engine of human success. It’s funny that you bring up historic

Man, those nazis sure were out for blood this weekend.

The Nordic model for social welfare is impossible without capitalism.

Depends if youre there looking for a fight. Remember, the last protest was an utter failure for them only because they embraced violence more than the counter-protestors did. We would be having a very different conversation if the driver of the car in Charlottesville was antifa.

Yeah, this works well. A guy playing the tuba did tons more for fighting nazis than a hundred masked jackasses trying to get in fist fights.

OK, but deplatforming has been a strategy for a while now, and it appears to be completely unsuccessful.

Yeah, and theyll be shamed when theyre made fun of on TV with a national audience. Why show up in person?

Come at me bro.

So...why dont you just let the cops deal with them? I still dont get why you want to personally confront them if you think they’re out for blood.

OK, but why not just let them be stupid then make fun of them? It seems like it’s a lot more effective.