
Listen guys. You might think it would be a good idea to warn young black kids to not do this to stay safe... but I'm told that ALSO makes the police really upset.

The point is that there exists a double standard where people focus more on black criminals compared to white criminals and Kenya is pointing that out. Why hasn't Judd Appatow criticized Woody Allen? Why do people have no problem talking shit about Chris Brown but say little to nothing about Charlie Sheen? Being a

So having your hands up and saying why are you shooting me I don't have a gun isn't cooperating? A man already on the ground and restrained isn't cooperating by repeatedly trying to tell the cops he is literally dying? A 12 year old sat on the swings in a park with a toy is at fault for somehow not knowing the

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: "If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?"

She's a real baby, I hear that if you break a cookie in half in front of her she thinks she has two cookies.

Okay, so now that all of the innocents are out, can we lock the doors and torch the building?

Since when is forgiveness mandatory? The apology was offered. Global Beet is well within his rights not to accept it.

Best pitcher I ever caught fore (I did 4 years in high school and one in college before I destroyed my shoulder) was a young lady. I was in the navy and we had Captain's Cup on the carrier. Her control was...excuse my sailor language...FUCKING sick. Not the hardest thrower...but she would have batters DIVING out of

If you read the language of the bill, which I am sure you did not, you'd see that affirmative consent is not necessarily defined as "affirmative verbal consent." It's defined as "an affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement" by both parties to engage in sexual activity. Consent can be nonverbal; California

Fascinating. Cops need to know that "snitching" off fellow officers who engage in racism or excessive force or corruption or sexual harassment (up through and including sexual assaults) is, or should be, part of their job description...a condition of employment.

I've seen a number of people talking about spending triple the price of a new Playstation 4 game on in-app purchases in Kardashian.

On behalf of my fellow men, I want to apologize for their behavior.

I'm half-Colombian too! And that's all I came here to say...