
Well the problem is (and this is my nit with JJ Abrams) is that Kylo is incredibly powerful when it looks cool (sensing and freezing a blaster-bold mid-air) and kinda sucky when the plot demands it. Almost like somebody didn’t think things through from a character perspective and instead did the 12 year old, “wouldn’t

Came here to say Xenosaga III, and I am glad I decided to check the comments before actually posting that up myself.

After Episode II, I was dreading what III would be. I was impressed to discover the greatest JRPG rollercoaster I think I had been on up to that point (and Godsibb is the best final boss music ever,

My favorite sequel is definitely Xenosaga Episode III. While Episode II had Dolby Digital audio for the prerendered scenes, it wasn’t fun. All of III felt like a throwback to Xenogears. A close second would be Xenoblade Chronicles X. Robots. Also, an honorable mention would go to XC2, for it’s thick plot development.

The assumption that me disliking something means I’m outraged is everything wrong with trying to discuss things on the internet.

...except for this paragraph.

you act like they bought a finished product and just kept it away from you....

OMG. The first Mortal Kombat hit all the right notes, tight story, not taking itself to seriously, Christopher Lambert just chewing up the lines, and fucking great techno music. And although it was “dark” it actually had a great positive feeling around it.

The second one was crap.

Here is hoping that they understand

It’s also one of the best examples of a game weaponizing catharsis. You just fought your way through magus castle, learned the evil you were looking for came to earth eons ago, get stuck in the past, watch said evil crash into the planet and start he ice age with you unable to stop it and your only way forward leads

Metagross used to be a powerhouse, but sadly has been nerfed in recent years due to Steel-types losing resistances to Dark- and Ghost-types. Granted, that would have made Metagross extremely OP, but now it’s just pretty good. At least it can actually use its signature attack, Meteor Mash, now, unlike Gen 3.

There’s a DLC for that

The important thing to remember about Pokemon is that from the beginning, it’s drawn on myth and legend for pokemon ideas. And Japanese folklore is filled with “objects that come to life”, tsukumogami.

Play Echoes. Its a remake of a NES Fire Emblem and it doesn’t have the otaku pandering.

Compare these two competitors and the way they act post-match to that guy who got up and screamed like a maniac into the other guy’s face.

Swing and a miss, dude.

Congratulations on being completely fucking clueless about the rest of the world outside of your tiny little circle of jerks

My dad works at Nintendo too.

*nod nod* Late stage capitalism is strangling everything. You just can’t grow forever. It isn’t possible.

Relative to profits, wages have been stagnant for about four decades. An anecdote about wages of a few individuals doesn’t change that.

Arctic is burning. Amazon is being cut down at an incredible rate. Hurricanes are dropping more water as the climate changes. Unplanned Medical services can financial cripple a large chunk of Americans. Wages haven’t gone up in years. And I got an headache.