But no you just don’t get it. His Giulia has done almost 2,000 miles and has never left him stranded even once!
But no you just don’t get it. His Giulia has done almost 2,000 miles and has never left him stranded even once!
I don’t think anyone with any measure of intelligence is recommending ditching a perfectly good car for an expensive EV to save money. That argument comes in a little bit when comparing new cars when you’re ready to get one. Gas where I live is about $4.30/gallon right now. If I fill up once a week, that’s about…
It’s a valid concern, if you ignore that manufacturers have continued to improve engine performance in the face of emissions regulations for decades.
Good point. My HVAC system barely works anymore compared to when it was new, because the filter is clogged with dust and pet hair. Time for a new house, I guess.
It’s “Daylight Saving Time”, not “Savings”.
Daylight Saving Time. There is no S.
“Last seen in port May 12" ?!?
They were busy striking for union rights last week you moron
I think you just proved his point.
I fucking HATE people that can’t be bothered to clean their roofs off.
Er, what? Your personal auto insurance most definitely doesn’t cover your driving of a friend’s car. Your friend’s insurance covers you driving their car.
I think the real question is that when the EPA said 8mpg did they rate it with the EPA test cycle, or did they rate it for USPS use... because if it’s the EPA test cycle... that’s probably going to be closer to 3 or 4mpg when in actual use.
You brought that comment out of the grays and are now officially the bad guy here.
“They’re set to launch 52 million in 2022 alone.”
52 million what?
52 million rockets?
$52 million in payload sales?
52 million lbs to orbit?
52 million Tesla cars to orbit?
How is this different from an RPM limiter? They both keep users from destroying the motor by going outside of operating manufacture’s specs.
Probably the hybrid/battery and 4WD system.
Like one crash that involved a Hummer H2 that was purchased for $200 and a Camaro:
“When a semi truck rolls over, drivers behind the wheel have a nearly 50-50 chance of living or dying”