
You said:

Changing frequency and the corresponding frequency response is how the difference between generation and load is balanced. Not by caps. Caps are useful for voltage support, they don’t offset generation in any way.

That is not how capacitors are used on the AC Grid.

I’ve heard it both ways...

Just because Jerry didn’t intentionally sell a fake, doesn’t mean he didn’t sell a fake.

Still playing on Hulu as of right now.

Good point.

Why does it have brakes? Are we installing trailer brake controllers in our compact cars now? Or is this surge brakes. Either way seems totally unnecessary for a trailer weighing so little.

The difference is he is probably jacking the axle, so doesn’t have to overcome the suspension travel. On your Forester you are probably jacking “above” the suspension(like on the unibody or frame). So to get the wheel off the ground you have to unload the shocks/springs/what-have-you.

Is it typical for these Morning Shifts to skip 3rd gear?

Doesn't a tanked hot water heater have to heat up the same cold water?

Doesn't a tanked hot water heater have to heat up the same cold water?

Liability was probably the wrong word. The question is who serves the time when a Waymo Cylon is convicted of manslaughter.

Why are companies so dumb about the health care options the provide.

Assuming you have retail rate net metering, a battery isn’t going to cut your electric bill. In fact it will increase it.

“Any excess energy is stored in an electric battery that can then be used to power the hydrogen process on other trains.”

Potentially yes. But I think on the balance it will shorten the end of close games. If they only have 14 seconds after an offensive rebound the other team is less likely to feel the need to foul.

Great point on the HSA. If you are qualified (only covered by a qualified high deductible medical insurance plan) max that thing out. It is as good as a401(k) (expect for the much lower contribution cap). After 65 you can take money out as if it were a 401(k)(you owe income tax but no penalty) for anything.

Travel, and leave the kids with the grandparents. They guilted you into getting pregnant, make them pull their weight.

CONTRIBUTIONS to a ROTH IRA can be withdrawn at anytime with no taxes due and no penalty. You have already paid taxes on this money. Earrings are subject to income tax and the penalty if withdrawn early.

You expect your local power company to always have a crew sitting on their asses at the yard?