He cheated on me with a prostitute with borderline personality disorder and fits of psychosis by fucking her without a condom.
He cheated on me with a prostitute with borderline personality disorder and fits of psychosis by fucking her without a condom.
I just noticed your PGP key and you instantly became the coolest Jez author in my eyes. But I'm a noob crypto nerd. *squee*
I think it is a reference to this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_f…
#TeamRuxpin checking in here. I also had Grubby, and he spoke his parts too!
I had only been in SF for a couple of weeks at this point, so I was really taken aback. I decided that if all guys were like that here, I'd start investing in quality vibrators.
I met him in the Mission, and I lived near Balboa Park at the time.
Nope. He's too young.
I laughed out loud at the hitching a ride comment. Hilarious!
Norm McDonald is a dick. You dodged a bullet.
Hi did you date my ex?
ARE YOU SERIOUS? I would hate-fuck him.
A self-described "Nomadic Poet and Petition Signature Getter" I met at an Open Mic was invited over to my place after an impromptu date. Drinks and laughs were had. Making out like a couple of teenagers on the BART was fun.
Wow. We've got a whole bunch of self-involved nitwits in this story!
You are my favorite.
My brother was/is that kind of weird kid. Love him to bits, but he would go out into the backyard and tell us he was going out for a snack.
And I've got four.
I am so glad that you find them entertaining! When the "Your worst valentine's day" pissing contest comes around, I have some doozies. One of them also involving Charming date.
I have no doubt that this will get buried, but that's totally fine. We have a recurring cast of characters in this story!
I want to write a horror story about that baby doll. I think I'm going to do just that, yes.
He's a full out whack job. He believes in the Illuminati, ferchrissakes. And if you go to his sad little website, you'll just see the rantings of a lonely man who honestly believes that the world is out to castrate him and other men. It would be hilarious if he wasn't clearly suffering from delusions.