
Transplant. But I've been here for seven years, so it really does feel like home.

If you like the bullet, you can get ones that use AA batteries! I'm a big advocate of "whatever works for you" when it comes to sex toys.

San Francisco here.

My fiance and I are in the process of ending our relationship.

Thank you. Right now I need all the hugs I can get.

Today's been a day of strong emotions. Pharrell's words there, and the self awareness required for that kind of thought have reduced me to tears in a bar.

I have 38Ds, and I WISH they'd go somewhere when I lose weight. No such luck, so when I've been eating healthy and hitting the gym, I look like Pamela Anderson.


I have a major crush on him, so I certainly hope not. All I've heard is that he's super sweet.

This is going to get buried at the bottom, but I don't care. W. Kamau Bell is a super sweet, totally awesome guy.

My deliciously muscular guy in a cryptocurrency startup would beg to disagree.

Red bean mochi is divine.

Tapioca pudding always reminded me of Freddy Kreuger's skin. I haven't eaten it in decades, and I'm only 30.

I totally did a prom-posal. I created cutesy notes with clues to the next one, and the final reveal was back at the starting location. I was asking a cute boy who very kindly turned me down, because his parents didn't allow him to attend school dances. For another dance, I asked a guy friend via a handwritten question

I ride SF MUNI all the time. I believe it.

I lived on the M line, and would take it to Balboa Park to catch the BART into the Financial District for work. Much like every other line, the M has no set schedule, and runs whenever the drivers feel like working. I used to keep an eye on the arrivals each morning.

YES. My fiance told me about this and it changed my life. Go to a hotel if you need to use the restroom or you need to have someone hold your bags. Amazing. Just don't forget to tip!

My friends and I used to go and hang out at this high school late at night, we loved this movie so much.

Friends of mine did something similar. They invited everyone to an "engagement party", which turned out to actually be the reception for their wedding. They showed up outside the bar in a vintage Rolls Royce and in their wedding attire. I thought it was pretty awesome, to be honest.

I also couldn't remember his name until my friend who threw the party checked the online guest list. Oops.