
I ask these questions extremely cautiously.

Just imagine if all black athletes refused to play for racist fans, owners and institutions.

Just imagine if all black athletes refused to play for racist fans, owners and institutions. Just about every major sports league would crumble to the ground and we might finally have found our solution to ending racism.


I hate the greek system so much it's making me re-think my love of Feta Cheese.

They wrote a letter to Iran saying that since congress won't approval whatever deal Obama does*, the next president can undo it at the drop of a hat. Essentially telling them "the negotiation our executive branch is currently working on with you will not last so you should back out now and take not deal" to get Iran

and then take a look at this mic drop from zarif

at first when i heard about it, i was like *shrug* whats the big deal

It's not a game. It's the only way the modern GOP has been able to secure power despite losing the popular vote for the past 25-30 years.

in case you need a translation

I want us all to get together and talk shit about the fuckwit who wrote the letter.


ETA: I need that flag pin. AMERICA #1!!

I saw this shit on Facebook yesterday and couldn't wait to see how Stewart would deal with these assholes. Unfortunately he devoted most of his ire to CNN's constant bragging about their awesome drone technology. Which was fine, but after one or two bullseye comments on the Fox coverage, he was done. Almost as if,

Whites want everything to the point where they invent ways to be "oppressed" too. It's sad. So sad. It's all one big game to them.

These customers remind me of the dumbest person I ever had walk through the doors of the Borders I managed after college.

"So let me get this straight: I had us do an invasion of another country on false intel and outright lies, cost thousands of U.S. soldiers their lives, made us an international pariah, blew away the record surplus I inherited, oversaw the biggest economic crash in decades....and somehow your husband wanting to give