The guy that was actively smoking cigars while mocking Michael J. Fox’s disease and saying out how billions of gallon oil spewing into the ocean isn’t that big of a deal got cancer... Hollywood ending.
The guy that was actively smoking cigars while mocking Michael J. Fox’s disease and saying out how billions of gallon oil spewing into the ocean isn’t that big of a deal got cancer... Hollywood ending.
i have never in my life wanted more to reach through my computer scream and grab a person by the throat and choke the life out of him. HOw dare he. How fucking dare he. He’s a fucking traitor and a rapist and a criminal and he’s up there giving fucking rush fucking limbaugh a god damned medal like it’s a special…
Putin would never let him in. Will send him to fester in a place like Ecuador.
it’s challenging to be this fucking stupid and the “president” is clearly up for the challenge. This moron makes W look like a Rhodes Scholar. Covfefe.
What a fucking moron.
Only after someone knocks Trump’s little mushroom dick outta his mouth.
Tits are more offensive than guns. Fuck this country.
I started to read Fear: Trump in the White House by Bob Woodward but had to stop. Reading about shitty people doing shitty things to elect a shitty person just got my blood pressure rising. I realize it was important information for history to know, but much more important for the supporters of 45* to know, not me. I…
I don’t specifically wish harm for him, I just made a promise to myself that I will take dance classes, tap dance on his grave, then piss on it. In that order.
The excerpt from this book that was published in The Washington Post this morning is enough to make you want to beat the ever loving shit out of anyone, male or female, that you see or hear defending this crass, stupid, proudly ignorant buffoon. The fact that the man selected by white folks to lead this country is so…
Good god yes.
I still have not recovered from the waistcoats when they all crashed the Queen’s party.
I’m pretty sure that the Time photographer was like, “OK, stand nice and relaxed. <click> Ummm, maybe do something with your hands...put one in your pocket? <click> No, that looks odd. Put both by your side? OK, I guess that will do. <click>”
Yea, Trump and his entire family of larvae couldn’t spot a good bespoke to save their goddamn lives. Daddy Trump thinks he knows tailoring and looks like a bag of meat stuff in a trashbag. Trump Jr has a pear shape thing he tries to hide terribly with a chest cut that shows you the tailor loathes him. Eric is one step…
I don’t think Lev Parnas’ attorney is the only one who’s about to be a little edgy
I was born and raised in Chicago and while I don’t live there anymore I have a soft spot in my heart for that great city. This leads me to say- there are many kinds of Chicagoans. So many great people who lived there and made a mark like Nelson Algren, Jane Adams, Studs Terkel etc. but Vince Vaughn is the worst kind…
Kanye West celebrated the first anniversary of his Sunday Service tax avoidance grift
Luckily for the horses.
Sort of; but not quite, because he can’t get his fat ass up on a horse.
Los Angeles’ Congressional caucus (the country’s largest and most liberal) has been tremendous today, but special props to Maxine Waters (damn right about impeachment for three years), Adam Schiff (the indefatigable, unflappable leader of this process), and special mention to - direct from his heart attack, surgery…