
Don’t forget that Reagan closed down numerous healthcare facilities that helped the poor and they all ended up on the street and homeless including those with serious mental health problems. Yes, they want to get rid of the old, the poor, and the ill. This will improve the economy and restore what makes America great

Rereading Obama’s remarks before leaving office — I don’t think he thought it would get as bad as it has —

His base doesn’t yet understand how any of 45's blustery demands (and negative accomplishments) are going to affect them. Just wait. It’s about the happen and will happen big. Saw a blurb yesterday that GM is closing a factory in Michigan due to poor sales of the vehicles it produces. It’s coming ... the crash.

We should take it a step further. Tell him that by resigning from the presidency, he will spite Obama’s legacy and make it disappear from the history books. He’s fool enough to buy it.

No he won’t — he really thinks he’s so great that no one will ever touch him. Please Congress. Do it anyway. He won’t believe that you’ve done it. He’ll be muttering about the fake news as the people in the white coats cart him away.

All she will do is blink and say there is nothing wrong with the guy.

Is Robertson still blaming gays? I thought he finally gave that up after all those stupid comments during the AIDS crisis. He’s yet another idiot.

Good point. You’re probably right.

And crash mar a lago.

Years ago I was in a sales meeting for an industrial paper company and during an intro to a new paper towel roll, the district manager was throwing it out to the sales reps in the meeting just like 45 did in PR. I thought it was crass then. I still feel it’s crass now. Actually, what 45 did in PR was worse. 45 will

Well, the Sorel or Hunter boots are more in keeping with the slushy, icey, cold, snowy weather that pretty much encompasses Chicago winters. The Kate Spade bag, well, whatever. I carry Brahmin or Bendel bags and wear really nice UGGS (I know out of fashion but their winter lined rain boots are fabulous) AND live on

Ha! My boss said to me in the last hour, “Geez, it’s where you can’t say anything to anyone without them alleging harassment of some kind. I could say something in English and someone would get offended that it’s not in their native language.” Yep. Moron.

then she should stop wearing belts and do what most women do and that is wear something lose fitting and flowing

Remember the days when presidents only had one marriage? Okay, a few had a second one but not via divorce. I don’t understand how the religious right deals with it considering how they spout family values and all that.

As much as I’m not a Reagan fan, I have to say the Freedom from Religion Foundation by Ron Jr. is on target, however, this country is so bogged down politically in religion that we can’t seem to rise above it. Religion, Christianity, has always been anti-woman. You can’t go near the church altar if you have you’re

Nope. They didn’t.

I hear you but the base doesn’t. They think we’re just picking on those poor Trumps because Hillary lost the election and we just can’t get our minds around it. When you look outside the USA, there are lots of people naming their new babies Ivanka, Jared, Donald, and Eric. As much as it pains me to say it, none of the

I’ve been politically active off and on since I turned 21 when it comes to presidential elections. What has always been a hurdle is the total apathy that a majority of potential Democratic voters have. Some of that turned a corner when Obama ran but we’re right back to where we were before him. I hear so many Dems

Agreed but who of the Dems is strong enough, ruthless enough and/or vicious enough to do that?

Why do I get the feeling that the Las Vegas shooter voted for 45 ...