
Yes and although the movement didn’t really take shape until Hitler stepped in, perhaps there was some animosity felt by 45's grandfather too? Wasn’t he actually asked to leave Germany or was that another Trump relative?

Thank you. I’ve been saying that for years. This country runs on apathy. When the time comes, I’m going to seriously think about moving out of this country.

Uhhh, he probably couldn’t find it on a MARKED map either. He thinks Mexico is in South America. And probably thinks NK is in China.

Your comment just stabbed me in the heart. Yes, our pets are going to perish. As will all the beautiful birds and other wildlife. Last week I rescued a sparrow that crashed into the side of my office building. Took it across the street to a safe area under a shrub and gave it some salt-free sunflower seeds. At

Several weeks ago, my boss, a Trump wanabee, said “isn’t our team the best and the greatest one in the firm?!!” And I told him, “no.” He won’t ask why and he hasn’t forgotten it. He’s been in a really bad mood since then. Time to grow up fellas.

Yes. Bartok. A wonderful name. Almost named by pug Bartok.

I work with someone like that. It’s difficult because no matter what you tell that person, he will continue to believe that he is the best and only hires the best.

An hour long service??? Easter services start at 11:30 PM on Saturday and are generally done somewhere around 3AM and then there’s the blessing of the baskets full of food to break the fast which gets you home around 5AM and now it’s time to feast. The Russian church in America has trimmed a lot of the service.

Say what you want and I’m not a fan of Putin but when you put him next to 45 there is no doubt that Putin wins hands down in terms of being in better physical condition. Putin is also Eastern Orthodox so it’s not unusual that he wears a cross. Wearing a symbol of Christianity does not mean that they abide by it.

Wait until the weekend. With Mueller heating up, he’s going to be back with his usual nonsense.

There is some serious hate going on at the WH. Perhaps if 45 changed his ways and how he treats people, the staff wouldn’t be so determined to leak info. But we know that won’t happen.

What’s so amusing about all this is it was leaked. WH staff really hates him.

Did I read this right? He got 84% of the vote from Cuba? As in the country? Does he realize that Cuba is not part of the USA? Probably not.

But he’s the president of a country and it does make him look terrible.

I started reading the transcript earlier today and right from the beginning, it exemplified the fact that 45 is rude, pompous, etc. The Mexican president was respectful and called 45 Mr. President. 45, after the first time addressing him as Mr. President then resorted to call the Mexican president by his first name.

Perhaps it’s time to research the dates of when Miller’s relatives arrived to US from wherever. And remind 45 that his relatives were immigrants too. Oh. Wait. He’s married to one who can barely speak English.

With all that’s going on, clearly Russia won in it’s determination to get 45 elected. From a lot of indications, Russia wanted 45 in because he would cause chaos within our government and someone who wasn’t that bright. 45 has done that. Now Russia has an open road to gain strength in the world while we in the US

They are. Feel better.

If Kelly truly has the power over the WH, the next step is to wrestle 45's phone from him early in the morning while taking a dump. If Kelly can do that, then 45 will no longer be able to play to his base. But I think that even Kelly has limits.

Naw, he won’t commit suicide. He will probably disappear for a short while and squirm back in somewhere, weasel that he is.