10 million less democratic voters than in 08 speaks volumes. Best of luck on the recount.
10 million less democratic voters than in 08 speaks volumes. Best of luck on the recount.
Because commander in chief Clinton is oh so much fucking better. Fucking Dems lost everything this election, they control nothing, zero, zilch. Have you asked yourself why that is? Its because 10 million LESS democrats voted this election, if Hillary is so loved and trusted I think they would have had a turn out like…
Tom apparently you didn’t watch the press conference, Mike Ilitch wasn’t there, nice picture though. As for the Palace of Auburn Hills, it sits on 100 acres of prime real estate and rumor has it it will be razed.
Ham, are you talking about rent in big city’s?
Crying.... honestly?
I appreciate your response and honesty and hope Trump doesn’t erase the progress made by the Obama administration. The supreme court pick and possible picks, should Ginsburg not make it another 4 years, is a scary thought. Trump doesn’t strike me as a conservative nor particularly religious for that matter, lets hope…
Sean, Do you think Hillary was a solid choice for Democrats? I think she believes she was owed the presidency, it was her destiny and better choices (Joe Biden) be damned, shes entitled to this and screw anybody who doesn’t agree with her. I think Hillary has the charm of a coiled rattlesnake and the loyalty of a…
All the butthurt Clinton voters (I didn’t vote as I hate both of them) are bitching about Trump supporters when they should be asking themselves why 10 million less democrat’s showed up to vote for Hillary. She would have won by a landslide. It makes me wonder if democrats thought she was a lock to win, like Gawker…
The only candidate frothing at the mouth (for 12 years) to become POTUS was Hillary and 10 million less democrats voting compared to 2008 sealed her fate. Democrats, you fucked yourselves.
Finally someone who gets it! Thank you ;)
Hillary actually represents Her and Bills own interests when all she cares about is separating them from their money, lining her own pockets, and stoking her own ego.
Ashley can you write up a column regarding the Clinton Foundation and the wonderful pay to play policy they have, donations for political favors(Wikileaks released the info today). Now Donald may be a scumbag but the Clintons are cut from the same cloth and are actually worse, fuck Hillary, she is the greater of two…
Neither are fit to run America and BOTH are proven liars. I could care less who is a BIGGER liar.
I believe NY City is approx 2 million (maybe less) shy of becoming a Megacity.
Lemonjello pronounced Le Mon Jell Oh and his twin brother Orangejello pronounced Ore Ange Jell Oh. They were in a Detroit news story.
The rednecks I know are interested in hunting, drinking and getting laid so blow it out your ass you fucking knob.
12 kids actually
The unsigned cornerback will have 12 children to support....Yeah!!!
Fixed that for ya.
The same ones that took away civilian firearms.