
Fine, give them 1 year for the LOLZ.

Is there a reason this didn’t go to criminal trial first? I’m not trying to be insensitive here but wouldn’t you want 3 rapists to go to prison before you went after the wallet?

It worked for Jesse Jackson (beer distribution business), maybe it will work for this clown.

She could have used the hotel safety deposit box, 10 mil in jewelry unprotected? Shes in on this for sure!

This reeks of an inside job.

I was surprised too see a Tesla charging station in Port Huron MI next to the Blue Water Bridge last week, especially since our dick-headed governor won’t allow MI sales. I hope Tesla wins. 

Open carry does not mean in your fucking hand. If it’s in your hand and a cop tells you to drop it and you don’t plan on getting shot.

How many burning vehicles, looted stores, shootings and beatings do you see at anti Hillary protests?...hmm....

Did this case go in front of a grand jury, anyone know?


Because its a fucking eyesore. Move that fucker to the back yard.

So any idea what kind of fine these 2 knobs will pay?

Hillary doesn’t understand how amplified sound works, she screeches into microphones and has odd pauses between words because shes waiting to hear herself through the speakers. It’s like fingernails down a chalk board.

Given the opportunity to to choose which “ham” sandwich I would eat IRL, I would choose the left;) That’s some good eatin!

There have been more whites killed by police this year than blacks, double in fact, but whites are 60% and blacks are 14% of the population.

Alton Sterling is a convicted felon, in fact he went to prison for illegal possession of a fire arm and drugs, he couldn’t ever own a firearm legally again. Open carry means on your person in plain sight in a holster, not in your front pocket or in your hands. Alton escalated the situation by not complying, he would

FAKE! Punched 10+ times by Triple H, kicked and punched repeatedly by ref and is able to stand and walk out of the ring, so fucking dumb.