
No, it has *not* been killing Palestinians wholesale for weeks. FUCK I hate hyperbole. You realize this kind of hyperbolic crap only preaches to the choir, right? Those of us without a dog in the fight but with actual sense see right through it, and turn away from your argument as a result?

I don't understand why Israel is "supposed" to fight fair? Are you telling me that in a war between two unequal powers, the greater power is supposed to fight with one hand behind its back?

Except you were also saying to start with an expressed statement of consent. She was saying that if any guy had done that with her, she would have left the room as a buzzkill.


My wife: "If you can't tell from the way I'm acting, then you're either clueless and I wouldn't want you, or you're lacking self confidence and I wouldn't want you."

Christ I love my wife.

WHAT'S worth considering? 1-8% of rape accusations are false? So it's "worth considering" that many rape accusations are true?

Man, next time there's a question about whether a black male committed a homicide, I'll link some FBI statistics. "52% of all murders are committed by black males. It's worth considering."

I was going to say that this is one of the FEW times I've seen Gawker media stress class over race when writing an article, and commend you for it.

Oh my God I'm laughing so hard right now.

I'm so torn on this. I *really* want to play this game for the setting, but I cannot stand the narrative that Germany caused World War I and was the "big bad villain" in it.

My wife says the only people that have ever told her that her tits are too small were other women. What's your point here?

You're assuming an *awful* lot. And poorly, at that.

Of course you won't. This is the internet. You'll say practically *anything*, and fuck any evidence to the contrary.

As an aside, I absolutely love when people like you then appear in other threads saying RELIGION IS BULLSHIT BECAUSE IT IGNORES EVIDENCE or something. Not saying that you do that, but considering that

No, it's the rallying cry of reasonable people against extremist hyperbolic liars like yourself.

I'm the living, breathing counterproof to the ENTIRE FOUNDATION of your original post. Now admit your hyperbole was bullshit, form a better argument, and become a better person.

Uh. My family was broke as a joke. I got something like 30 different scholarships to pay for my undergrad. And I declared my major in my first year.

Stop it.

What the fuck? Dude. Shut the fuck up. This was an unnecessary and absolutely asshole thing to say.

Hence the question "WHERE did you get your legal education?" What state are you barred in?

You cannot "prove" future damages, but you also don't have to wait until they actually happen - in some cases that would render the point moot, which affects standing. Expectation of damages are enough, and I'm certain that their

Really? Well, I'd buy a second Wii U, just to balance out your "you'd lose the money you do't have from me but you might get someday!" loss.

No, you don't have to prove that the cars lost resale value. Again, WHERE are you getting your legal education? And if you have none, WHY are you commenting as a layperson with zero knowledge on a legal matter?

because now that porn on the internet is free we have to find ways to get people to pay

Because, legally speaking, part of a car's value is its resale value. When a brand does something that extremely damages that brand's value it causes real harm to those who were invested in the brand's value, and that is actionable.