
Uh. My family was broke as a joke. I got something like 30 different scholarships to pay for my undergrad. And I declared my major in my first year.

Stop it.

What the fuck? Dude. Shut the fuck up. This was an unnecessary and absolutely asshole thing to say.

Hence the question "WHERE did you get your legal education?" What state are you barred in?

You cannot "prove" future damages, but you also don't have to wait until they actually happen - in some cases that would render the point moot, which affects standing. Expectation of damages are enough, and I'm certain that their

Really? Well, I'd buy a second Wii U, just to balance out your "you'd lose the money you do't have from me but you might get someday!" loss.

No, you don't have to prove that the cars lost resale value. Again, WHERE are you getting your legal education? And if you have none, WHY are you commenting as a layperson with zero knowledge on a legal matter?

because now that porn on the internet is free we have to find ways to get people to pay

Because, legally speaking, part of a car's value is its resale value. When a brand does something that extremely damages that brand's value it causes real harm to those who were invested in the brand's value, and that is actionable.

No, it isn't. Not remotely. Again, your failure to grasp the legal nuance does not mean that it isn't there.

Or not. Your failure to understand what the lawsuit is about doesn't cheapen the lawsuit at all.

Company makes its main character non-white, gets backlash because character has penis.

Same type of game - if you didn't like it on the PS3 you probably won't like it here.

If you like old-school RPGs you *have* to check out the PSN store. I've been playing Tactics Ogre (the PSP remake, a FANTASTIC remake) lately, and I have Xenogears, Final Fantasy IX, Vagrant Story, Chrono Cross, and Final Fantasy Tactics remake (GREAT game also, but beware: very shitty slowdowns that Square never

What kind of games are you into?

Can you play as a male character? Bayonet, maybe?

Ahahahaha at this entire article.



Not every state has them. Don't be an asshole, dumbass.

Hence the rest of the conversation, asshole.

This is the reason I continue to ignore gender and solely focus on sex. Because sex is binary, thanks to our evolutionary process (yes, intersex exists, in many different forms, but its occurrence is extremely rare for a reason). Many languages have developed assuming the gender and sex as equated, and this is causing