
And there's a little grinding in Bloodborne (only a little; much less than most RPGs, but not zero, like Dark Souls). But I wouldn't grind for levels. You'll eventually have to grind for the healing items, though. The Ogres are a good source, if you've fought them yet.

It's like looking in a mirror. Portal 2? Fucking awesome. Braid? I just didn't like it, at all. Exactly what you said: even when I solved a puzzle, I didn't really feel much accomplishment. It was too much of a slog.

I loved the first two, still have to catch up and play the third. I don't really see a world where I don't complete the franchise, even if it's a little disappointing.

This is starting to sound like a real bummer. But I still don't completely understand what the complaints are - is it just that the graphics aren't up to snuff? I can deal with that, and with some preachiness, if, you know, the GAME is still good. :)

Bloodborne is amazing. :) I'm so jealous that you're playing it for the first time.

I've played every Elder Scrolls games since the first one, but the only one I managed to finish was Skyrim. I always respond well to their ambition, and they're all made with obvious love, but they always had something that stopped me from finishing (horrible bugs in Daggerfall, that terrible leveling system in Oblivio

Eh, I don't know. I'm not interested in being preached at by a video game. If that's what it actually does, of course - these things tend to get exaggerated on these here interwebs.

OK, here's my question: everyone is flipping out over Breath of the Wild. Is it worth me buying the whole system just so I can get this game? I've got an embarrassing number of ways to play video games already - my PC, a PS 3 and PS 4, one of the recent Nintendos (I don't even remember what it's called) - and I don't

I started Fallout Shelter this week too. I don't usually like these types of games - what genre do you call them? Farm games, or something? - but I'm getting a kick out of this one, for some reason.

Heh. That was awesome.

I liked Torment more than you did, but I'm totally with you on Pillars of Eternity. I want to like it so much, but I just can't get very far before I get bored, or something.

I finished Torment: Tides of N last night. Really a great game; I know I keep pushing it here, but seriously: if you got off on PS:T back in the day, I really think you'll love this one.

It's an amazing movie; everyone should watch it. But if you haven't read the book, do that first, second, third and fourth. Then watch the movie and be pleased that they came even close to capturing what Irvine Welsh got down on paper.

I've got to agree. I had read nothing but positive reviews of the Walking Dead game and it looked like something I'd enjoy. I was totally primed to love it.

I totally stopped watching Bojack Horseman for that precise reason.

I've found Speed to be almost as useful for problem solving; Might seems almost completely useless, even in combat. Seriously - it's kind of weird.

I'm loving this game (like I've been saying ad nasuem since Early Release :)). But dude: from what I know about the games you like, you HAVE to play PS:T. I think you'll love it.

I'm still loving T:ToN. I'm nearing the end of the Bloom, and (I suspect) the end of the game.

It's out! Released last week

I don't think I know that one - what is it?