
Only if you act as if you were given no choice in the matter. Don’t want it, disable the service, delete your Google account, don’t use an Android.

Not really. It’s the same idea as using captcha data to refine OCR algorithms. Google uses this data to make its text recognition better.

My malamute is a ferocious beast.

My siberian husky used to greet me biting me softly on my neck while she was throwing me to the floor. She did not even bark, she only howled.

Nothing to see here folks, just another example of Big Pharma’s encroachment and corruption of our legal system.

Of course the FDA stepped in, because Big Pharma won’t let a naturally occurring substance stand in the way of profit.

mmmm dessert... *drool*

Block Facebook at the router, problem solved.

Facebook can bite my shiny metal ass.

First of all, fuck Facebook. I choose not to use their worthless service so they need to leave me alone. But more on topic, I use NoScript so I decide who runs what in Firefox and Facebook is not Allowed on my computer.

AdAway and you’re all set! I use chrome without issue.

Fuck Facebook.

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