The tweet to her about “When you become the main chick instead of the side chick,you do know that your former position becomes available?” made me laugh on a Monday.
And the “women are logical” game. :(
That was my takeaway from the article too. Who checks to ensure that girls get their periods?? Where did she get the squirrel blood? I’m choking
Years ago this controlling jerk dumped me...I was devastated...a couple years later, one of those I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS HAPPENED!! — moments happened: I was looking fabulous, outside having lunch on a sunny day with my best friend...I had just bought my own condo, had an awesome new job...and who walks by but…
I actually love doing laundry. It’s meditative (and - seriously - it mostly does itself anyway;)
He’s all the way down in plain. Missionary, with the lights off, faces turned away, 30 seconds tops.
I think...I love Armie Hammer
The inside’s like if my fifth grade Trapper Keeper and my fourth grade Caboodle had a baby. But it’s a house.
I read your comment as Ronan Farrow and Jon Lovitz. Yikes!
The comment section of local city newspapers is always a horror show. Usually makes YouTube comments seem calm and measured in comparison. The comments on for the Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News) is an absolute shit show of racism and ignorance.
“might not fully grasp the details of the steps he was about to take”
Have heart — I see signs that the pendulum may be swinging back the other way. After Harvey, there has been a LOT of public backlash against evangelical churches (aka Trump supporters whose views on sin and suitability for public office have ~*~magically~*~ changed over the past two years, whoda thunk it).
Stanley Tucci. Also, Stanely Tucci. And Stanley Tucci.
Again I say, come get me when Taylor gets all strung out on coke and releases a acid punk single called “Kanye Can Choke On A Fish Dick.”