Larry Wentzel

I hated the Talyn episodes, personally. I never trusted Crais and failed to understand Aeryn's sentimentality to him. Talyn is a hostile environment, in aesthetics and temperament. Also, the serious Talyn eps vs funny Moya episodes felt unbalanced to me; both sides should have equal chances for drama and funny.

Different Destinations: was a hard one for me to take. I get the universe is a hostile place, time travel can be touchy and if you do the wrong thing, stuff goes awry, but this was mean spirited and petty. The universe grinds your nose in the fact that They Screwed Up And Should Feel Bad. Bleh.

Thank you thank you thank you for pointing out the whole "why is everyone blaming Crichton?" illogic. It's always bugged me and what dragged Season 3 down for me. It did not make sense; it was just assumed and we the audience had to accept it. The only thing that I allow for is that it happened because of a wormhole,