Larry The Red

Final Fantasy 12, the only non-MMO, numbered main FF game I haven’t played yet. Shadow of the Tomb Raider. The 2nd Telltale Batman game. Borderlands 3. Although I have about 600 games in my backlog those are the ones I’m actually looking forward to the most. Just as soon as I finish my current lineup of Assassin’s

Finish more steam games than I buy. My backlog is about 600 games right now. I have a problem.

my grandma got me a “driving game” when I was 16. it was a toddler toy with a projected scrolling screen that you just move left or right with a steering wheel

Or the ones freaking out about Luke throwing away the lightsaber. In this one Luke lectures Rey about you shouldn’t treat lightsabers like that...

I went to see it, expecting a sequel to The Last Jedi but instead it was a rebuttal. It’s like Disney/Abrams had a checklist of all the things bitter nerds were mad about in the last movie and went through to undo them all in this one. They were mad about Luke throwing away his lightsaber last movie: make him have a

well of course it doesn’t feel like fortnite. fortnite is a game where people are running around killing each other and this is standing around watching a presentation.

It has an 89% on steam which I would say is a little high (I gave it a thumbs down). Way too many useless collectibles and side objectives. Combat is the batman arkham system except without the gadgets that make it fun. some missions require it to be night time, the day cycle is way too long, and here is no way to

lightning returns was the worst one of the whole trilogy

The NES version was pretty good, and even had some extra levels. But then Turtles in Time on the SNES was an almost perfect recreation of the look and feel of the arcade game, except for the being limited to 2 players part

I actually bought one of these. Never used it much though. It seems like it’s meant more as a mouse replacement for playing on the couch than an actual controller replacement

welp, I’m going to feel slightly slimy every time I play the game now...

I love that many games have easy difficulty levels now but it really needs to be a thing that ALL games have. you should be able to experience a full game just from the price of admission, like any other type of entertainment: movie, books, music, etc. I don’t remember exactly which game it was, I think one of the

2000 people is enough for a 3% margin of error with 99% confidence level for a population the size of japan

no, this will probably be a prequel from before alyx met gordon.

my headset is ready

my experience with the game: built a camp, game deleted it after I logged out. next time I played, I build another camp, game deleted it after I logged out. Then again for a 3rd time. Haven’t played it again.

same. I hate it too but I keep playing it. or at least trying to play it. it has about a 50% chance of crashing in any given match. and the netcode is terrible. and it has all kinds of bugs like voice chat working fine in one session but not working at all in the next, or mission progress not counting, or being stuck

downloaded it to try it out. game stopped responding to all inputs at the select your character screen. restarted it. got past the character screen, tapped on the pile of blocks in my location. started chipping away at them, game crashed. restarted it. tapped on the cow in my location instead. started tapping away at

you’re literally commenting in an article explaining how they are fixing the exact program you’re complaining about
