larry longmore

If you are in 3rd and the other two are close enough to have to bet large to win the smart play would be to bet nothing and hope they both get the final wrong. Betting anything and being right would not have gotten you anything in this case unless both other players bet & were wrong, which they did.

Interesting I had not heard that laugher. Wonder if they know St. Reagan got caught selling Stingers to Iran & giving the money to the brutal thugs in Nicaragua?

saw the actual picture online. She is bent over, butt to camera he his blocked by her. Nice bits on her, actually, but there is no need to blur him because he is hidden.

really just a trailer, everything after that is always down hill.

James Lileks? Great series? Those two things just don't go together. I'll have to click the link provided to see it with my own eyes. The guy used to write for the local paper & it sucked so badly that it took ink off the rest of the page.

WRONG! Foreskin would be the app that allowed people to rate dick pics and recommend them to others.

Yes, Is is called "Weiner Wire" after its creator. It obviously is not selling well because he still needed to run for NYC mayor so must need money.