
Kudos to you, kind sir.

I'd rather be dead than own anything with Tidus on it. in FF:Theatrhythm, Tidus is my only character level one and not level ninety-nine. This is because I am a mature person.

I want it. I want it bad. Would love to earn trophies for P4 on my big TV and play PSO2 if it ever comes out..

Glad you brought this up. Screw that Halo designer.

I feel your pain man, pretty much in the same vote. While I love the idea of the Vita and what it can do, there still isn't anything on that it that really makes me grab and play, unlike what PSO2 would do. Or should I say, would have done. I did download the JP version and get that running but ultimately it just

Pretty deep blog post I didn't expect to find today when I visited Kotaku. I think the feelings you are having are normal to most of us who begin to reach our 30s and see everyone else we have met up to this point get married and have children, while we don't. I don't think you are alone in your bodies natural craving