
Fuck Sega for their handling of Phantasy Star Online 2. Haven’t purchased a Sega product since they dropped the ball on the NA release of this. I even remember following their Facebook page for it haha. The first remains my favorite game of all time.

I’ll never forget when I was in Japan for a semester abroad in 2006. I bought a USB 360 controller at a local game shop so that I could plug it into my laptop and the guy working the counter warned me to make sure that I knew it was for Xbox and not Playstation. Still hilarious to me.

Anyone that can help me troubleshoot OBS? I’ve tried streaming before and got turned off by this error I keep havng. When I start streaming, almost immediately the green bar at the bottom (next to the FPS bar) goes red and the service stops. Any advice?

No Runaways no sale!

Three (6) is best, but 12 is second best! It is known.

Pretty easy work around. Just make your item description something like:


The game doesn’t feel personal to me any longer. Sure—it’s unquestionably more convenient, being able to queue up for any content from virtually any place, hopping servers to join a world raid, and ignoring quest text because you can just follow arrows. They are all nice, but there’s no real mystery, no sense of accomp

No multiplayer, no sale. This is exactly the type of game that I find fun with friends and boring as hell by myself.

Coincidentally, FFX is also the worst game in the series!

Got one thanks to seeing your article here. Living abroad for a couple years, but my sister was able to get one for me. She got there at open and they weren't in yet, but the employee gave her a call back when the shipment arrived. Very nice surprise—thanks a lot for the updates!

My niece is down with the 4 screens:

I swore off Sega when they just let the US version of PSO2 quietly die.

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.

Let's listen to something not in the way it was intended to sound and shame the person for it! We are awesome! *high fives*

As much as I want to hook up with stupei...

Ragnaros, the lich king, and Deathwing all have nothing on this wolf. Your point totally not lost on me, friend.

Your description makes it seem influenced by Orson Scott Card's "Empire." Have you read it?

PLEASE go back and check out Nastlevania and Chrono Jigga.. 2 Mello deserves way more fans! I don't even listen to hip hop and I can't get enough of his work.

This is reminding me of Phantasy Star Online, and I'm totally okay with that.